Upcoming events

Sound Bath
Join me for a relaxing sound bath meditation at The Dragon’s Leyr event space. This meditation is perfect for beginners and up! Don’t be shy, bring a yoga mat a light blanket or anything that makes you comfortable and relax with me!
During a sound bath, I use chimes, crystal bowls and other sounds to create a harmonious atmosphere. You simply close your eyes, and allow your body to naturally sync up to the vibrations. It’s so healing on so many levels.

Working with the Elements~ 2 night workshop
This two night workshop will go over the basics of working spiritually and magickally with the Elements, including a guided meditation at the end. You will leave both nights with Ideas to include into your daily life and spiritual practice to gain a deeper connection with the Elements. We will end each class with a guided meditation, please bring a yoga mat or anything that might make you more comfortable.
Week 1 ~ Introduction with a focus on Fire and Water
Week 2 ~ Air & Earth & Spirit

Ritual Smudging & Creating Sacred Space
Using sage or other sacred herbs …
Join me, Lucia della Luna, for this new workshop at the Dragon's Leyr! Explore the use of herbs to clear energy of a space, your home, or a person's individual energy field. We will go over different types of smudge bundles and ways to clear space. I will also explain how to create a sacred space for ritual or meditation practice at home. This workshop includes a smudge wand from the Dragon's Leyr to take home with you after class.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Sound Bath & Meditation
Celebrate the full moon in Sagittarius with sacred sound & guided meditation led by Lucia della Luna.

Science & Magic of the Moon
In this workshop we will explore the science of the phases of the moon, eclipses and more while also learning how to tap into the ebb and flow of the Lunar Cycles. A handbook is included in the cost of this class.

May Sound bath at ROOTS
Monthly guided meditation & sound bath led by Lucia della Luna.

Full Moon in Scorpio Sound bath & Meditation
Celebrate the full moon in Scorpio with a sound bath & meditation led by Lucia della Luna.

Spring Equinox Sound bath
Join me to celebrate Ostara, the Equinox or the return of Spring! As always this will include a guided meditation written by me that will lead into a sacred sound scape meditation featuring crystal bowls, chimes, bells and other instruments. Participants should bring a yoga mat, light blanket and wear comfortable clothes. Please arrive 5 -10 minutes early to set up your spot. Register HERE

Introduction to Shamanic Journey
Introduction to Shamanic Journey - 4 part series
Introduction to Shamanic Journey will teach participants the basics of journeying and spiritual realms. Each class will also include a journey led by drum and follow up discussion. Some experience with meditation, especially guided meditation, is highly suggested. Comfortable dress, a yoga mat and anything else that may make you comfortable is suggested as well as a journal or notebook to record your experiences. This series is best experienced as a full 4 part workshop. It is spaced out appropriately so that you can practice, or meditate on your experiences between classes.
Register HERE
Class details
Introduction to Shamanic Journey - January 22nd
Journey to meet an Animal guide - February 12th
Journey to the Sacred garden - March 12th
Journey to the Upper realm- April 2nd

New Moon Sound Bath
Join me as we celebrate the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius! Our monthly sound bath at Roots Natural Foods in Leominster will be on January 19th~ 6:30- 7:30pm. Bring a yoga mat, a light blanket, crystals, or anything else that will make you feel comfortable as we dip into the healing waters with Sacred Sound.
Click Here to Register.

Winter Solstice Sacred Sound Scape
Celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the light with Yoga and a sound bath!
Join Emily as she leads us through her amazing vinyasa class at Zen Yoga & Wellness followed by a relaxing crystal bowl sound meditation with me, Lucia della Luna. This special event will be on Wednesday December 21st 2022, and will begin at 6:30pm. Participants can Register through Zen Yoga & Wellness, there are two payment options depending if you are a member or a drop in at Zen Yoga.

Intuitive Painting and Sound Bath Workshop
Relax, remove expectations and create in a meditative environment. While you work, I will be playing crystal bowls to enhance the meditative experience. Tea and light refreshments will be served. Registration is through Art on the Rocks.

Full Moon Sound Bath December
Join me in this celebration of the December full moon in Gemini. We will begin with some breath work and guided meditation. During the sound portion of the evening I will use chimes, crystal bowls, and bells to create vibrations that your body and energy field will naturally attune to, bringing you into deep states of relaxation and healing. All you need to bring is an open mind, open heart and a yoga mat, blanket and whatever makes you feel most comfortable during meditation.
Registration is through Roots Natural Foods click here

Full moon Sound bath
Join me as we reset with the Full Moon in Taurus. We will begin with some breath work and a guided meditation, followed by a sacred sound portion of the night. Crystal bowls are used to create vibrations that your body will naturally attune to, bringing your body systems into natural alignment. As your body, mind and energy sync up to the frequencies, you will be gently enter deep states of relaxation and meditation. Please bring a yoga mat, a light blanket, pillow or anything that may make you more comfortable.

Meditation through the Elements
Join me in a meditative journey through the elements. Each class will build meditation skills while allowing you to explore the spiritual aspects of one of the four elements. We will begin each class with a discussion about meditation, the element that we will be working with, followed by a guided meditation. We will end with an optional sharing circle and further activities you can do throughout the week to really connect with that element. No experience with meditation is required, just an open mind and a willing heart. It is recommended that you attend all four sessions to get the full experience but it is not required. Week one will begin with Fire, followed by Air, Water, and Earth. Dress comfortably and bring a water, yoga mat and anything else that may make you comfortable.
Four one hour classes to be held on Sundays, October 23rd- November 13th. REGISTER HERE